API reference
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API reference
What is Deno?
Run a script
Hello World
Built in TypeScript support
Your Deno Dev Environment
Initialize a project
Executable scripts
All-in-one tooling
Tasks and configuration with deno.json
Top level await
Update from CommonJS to ESM
Import and export functions
Interoperability with Node.js
Introduction to Deno APIs
Simple file server
Better testing with Deno coverage
Formatting with Deno fmt
Benchmarking with Deno bench
Getting started with Deno test
Modules and package management
Use Node.js' built-in modules
Import modules from npm
Compatibility with Node & npm
ECMAScript Modules
Publishing Modules with JSR
Web standard APIs
Browser APIs in Deno
Better debugging with the console API
Manipulating & parsing URLs
Fetch and stream data
Set timeout and intervals
Logging with colors
Web workers
Web assembly
Web frameworks and libraries
TypeScript and JSX
Build a React App
Build a React app with create-vite
Build a Next.js app
Build a Fresh app
Build a Vue app
Use Express with Deno
How to use Apollo with Deno
Build an Astro site with Deno
Build a Qwik app with Deno
Build a Nuxt app with Deno
Build a Typesafe API with tRPC and Deno
Build an API server with TypeScript
Build a Vue app
Build a SolidJS app
Build a React app
Build a Tanstack app
Deploying Deno projects
AWS Lambda
Deploy Deno to AWS Lambda
AWS Lightsail
Cloudflare workers
Digital Ocean
Google Cloud Run
Deploying Deno with Docker
Connecting to Databases
Connecting to databases
Use MySQL2 with Deno
Use PlanetScale with Deno
Use Redis with Deno
Use Prisma with Deno
Use Drizzle with Deno
Mongoose and MongoDB
Connect to Redis
Connect to Postgres
Connect to Supabase
Connect to MongoDB
Connect to SQLite
Connect to Mongoose and MongoDB
Connect to Prisma
Connect to DuckDB
Hex and base64 encoding
Parsing and serializing TOML
Importing JSON
Parsing and serializing CSV
Parsing and serializing JSON
Parsing and serializing YAML
Manipulating byte arrays
Build a Command Line Utility
Input prompts
Permission management
Command line arguments
Writing tests
Getting the Deno version
HTTP requests
HTTP Server: Hello world
HTTP server: Routing
HTTP server: Serving files
HTTP server: Streaming
HTTP server: CRUD with SQLite3
Hono HTTP server
HTTP server: WebSockets
Piping streams
Outbound WebSockets
TCP Echo Server
TCP connector: Ping
TCP listener: Ping
TCP/TLS connector: Ping
TCP/TLS listener: Ping
Running DNS queries
Handling OS signals
Create a subprocess
Subprocess Spawning
Collecting output from subprocesses
Reading system metrics
Process information
Environment variables
Subprocesses: Spawning
Handle OS signals
Path operations
Reading files
Writing files
Deleting files
Checking for file existence
Moving/Renaming files
Creating & removing directories
Watching the filesystem
Walking directories
Unix cat
Creating & resolving symlinks
Temporary files & directories
Streaming file operations
Unzip gzipped file
Generating & validating UUIDs
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 Signature and Verification
HMAC Generation and Verification
AES Encryption and Decryption
File system events
Module Metadata
File Based Routing
Build a chat app with WebSockets
Build a Realtime WebSocket Application
Build a word finder app
Connect to OpenAI - Chat completion
User Data Processing with Deno Collections
Exponential backoff
Unstable APIs
Deno KV watch
Deno Cron
Deno queues
Deno KV: Key/Value database
UDP listener: Ping
UDP connector: Ping
Temporal API
Build a Vue app
Find more videos in the
Examples page
and on our
YouTube channel
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